Quercus Real Assets Sustainability Policy

Quercus Real Assets (QRA) – is a real asset investment firm.

QRA’s focus is to invest in and manage renewable energy assets to provide financial returns.  QRA recognises that all businesses operate in a changing world and that sustainability, encompassing environmental, social and governance factors, in balance, is fundamental in what we do.  The senior management team at QRA believes that, to be successful, approaches to sustainability must be ingrained into all QRA business activities.

Sustainability encompasses a broad range of issues that may have a material impact on the risk/return characteristics of our investments.  The team at QRA, has worked to embed sustainability across the investment and management process.  We consider risks and opportunities, using data to inform the establishment of ambitions objectives and targets.  To support progression, we have developed systematic approaches to monitor and measure performance and progress.  This plan, do, check, act approach enables our commitments to protection of the environment, prevention of pollution, compliance with legal requirements and continual improvement.

QRA’s Sustainability Policy serves as a foundation from which we will deliver measurable positive ‘ESG’ impacts across our portfolios.  By adopting a disciplined management system approach, we aim to achieve resilient, sustainable investment portfolios which we believe will ultimately enhance value and deliver better performance.

Reflecting the central importance of sustainability, QRA has established a Sustainability Team, made up of representatives from across the business.  The Sustainability Team is responsible for implementation of sustainability approaches across the business.

April 2020